Board Foot Calculator


AREA: 0 ft2

VOLUME: 0 yd3


COST: $0

What is a Board Foot?

A board foot, abbreviated bd ft, is a unit of measurement for the volume of a piece of wood in feet...

How to Calculate Board Feet

You can calculate board footage, which is the volume of wood the board contains, using the calculator above or using a simple formula...

Using Length in Inches

You can calculate board feet by multiplying the board’s thickness in inches by the width in inches by the length in inches and then dividing the result by 144...

BF = Thickness [in] × Width [in] × Length [in]

Using Length in Feet

You can also find the board footage of a board if your length dimension is in feet...

BF = Thickness [in] × Width [in] × Length [ft]

How to Calculate the Board Footage of a Log

There are a few methods that you can use to find the total lumber in a log, but the most common method is to use a Doyle log scale...