Cubic Inches Calculator


0 Cubic Inches

How to Calculate Volume in Cubic Inches

A cubic inch is a measure of volume that is equivalent to the volume of a cube that has a length, width, and height of one inch. To calculate a volume in cubic inches, start by taking measurements of the length, width, and height.

When measuring, be sure to find the length, width, and height in inches. If your measurements are in a different unit, then the volume result will not be in cubic inches. For instance, if each measurement is in feet, then the resulting volume will be in cubic footage.

Then, multiply the dimensions of each side together to find the volume in cubic inches.

Cubic Inches Formula

If the measurements of the object or space’s dimensions are in inches, you can use the following formula to find its volume in cubic inches:

cu in = length × width × height

Calculate Cubic Inches from Other Measurements

Often your measurements will be taken in units other than inches, and that’s OK! All we need to do is convert those measurements into inches, and then we can calculate the volume in cubic inches.

Use the formulas below to find cubic inches using centimeter and millimeter measurements. You can also use our volume converter to convert from cubic millimeters or cubic centimeters to cubic inches.

Use the following formula to find in3 when all measurements are in centimeters (there are 2.54 cm per inch and 2.543 = 16.387):

cu in = length × width × height ÷ 16.387

Use the following formula to find in3 when all measurements are in millimeters (there are 25.4 mm per inch and 25.43 = 16,387):

cu in = length × width × height ÷ 16,387