Cubic Meters
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A cubic meter, or cubic metre as spelled in British English, is a measure of volume equivalent to
a cube that has a length, width, and height of one meter. To calculate a volume in cubic meters,
start by measuring your space or object.
When measuring, find the length, width, and height of the space in meters. If your measurements
are in feet then the result would be in cubic feet and if they are in yards then the result
would be in cubic yards.
Next, multiply the three measurements together to find the volume in cubic meters.
It’s as easy as that! If the space/object has a different shape than rectangular or cubic, check
out our volume calculator for more complex shapes.
The volume V in cubic meters is equal to the length times the width times the height, all measured in meters.
Often a space will have measurements that are not easy or are too small to find in meters, and
the measurements are in centimeters or millimeters. That’s OK! Use the formulas below to find
cubic meters using centimeter and millimeter measurements.
Finding the volume in m3 when all measurements are in cm can be done like this (recall there are
100 cm in a meter, so we must divide by 1003 = 1,000,000):
Finding the volume in cubic meters when all measurements are in mm can be done like this (recall there are 1,000 mm in a meter, so we must divide by 1,0003 = 1,000,000,000):