Pipe Volume Calculator


Pipe Volume:

Water Weight:

How to Find the Volume of a Pipe

You can find the volume of fluid in a pipe using the inner diameter of the pipe and the length. To estimate pipe volume, use the following formula:

Thus, the volume of a pipe is equal to pi times the pipe diameter d squared over 4, times the length of the pipe h.

This formula is derived from the cylinder volume formula, which can also be used if you know the radius of the pipe.

volume = π × r² × h

You can use either formula to get the same results.

To use the formulas, start by getting the diameter and length of the pipe in inches or millimeters. Use our feet and inches calculator to calculate a length in inches or millimeters.

If you’re unsure what the inner diameter of a pipe is but you know the outer diameter, refer to the common pipe dimensions tables to find the most likely inner diameter of your pipe.

Enter the length and diameter values into the formula above to calculate the volume of the pipe.