Square Yards Calculator


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How to Find Square Yards

Square yardage is a common measurement of area and is used in many fields. One square yard is equal to 9 square feet, or an area that is three feet wide by three feet long.

To calculate square yardage, you must first convert your measurements to yards. You can use our length converter for a quick conversion, or, if you already know the area in sq ft, use our square feet to square yards calculator for instant results.

Use these steps to calculate the area of a rectangular space in square yards.

  • Measure the length and width of each side of the rectangle
  • Convert these measurements to yards as described above.
  • Multiply the length times the width to get the area measurement in sq yds.
sq yds = lengthyds × widthyds

How to Find Square Yards Using Measurements in Feet

The steps above guide you to convert all measurements to yards before multiplying, but it’s possible to find square yards after multiplying if all of your measurements are in feet too. Follow these steps if all of your measurements are in feet:

  • Multiply the length in feet times the width in feet to find the area in square feet
  • Divide the area by 9 to find square yards.
sq yds = (length ft × width ft) ÷ 9

Formulas to Find Square Yards

The following formulas show how to calculate area in square yards for various shapes. Formulas to find the area in square yards are provided for measurements given in yards or feet to simplify conversion.


sq yds = lyds × wyds
sq yds = lft × wft ÷ 9

Rectangular Border

sq yds = (lyds × wyds) – (ayds × byds)
sq yds = ((lft × wft) – (aft × bft)) ÷ 9


ssq yds = πryds2
sq yds = πrft2 ÷ 9